Friday 31 August 2007

Back from Rome

It was a great vacation, a great break in Italy for 4 days.

The kiasu me's preparation before the trip.

I flew to Ancona, east coast of Italy on my first day and spend the other 3 days in Rome.

The great view of the Mount Alps from the plane.

Obviously I didn't read enough before booking my trip. I only read the lines in The Rough Guide to Rome when I was on the coach to Rome. It says "If you can, you should avoid visiting Rome in July and August, when the weather is hot and sticky, and those Romans that don't make their living exclusively from the tourist industry have left town; many business are closed."

Thinking that I am from the tropical country with summer all year long, I was quite sure that it will not be an issue to me, until I arrived in the city, stepped out from the coach...

I felt the heat immediately, it was an absolutely insane 42.5 degree Celcius on my first day in Rome!

Luckily you get to see these beautiful water fountains everywhere in the city, which carry the natural mineral water from miles away. It did save my days in Rome indeed.

A lot of walking in Rome, now I totally agreed with the famous idiom "Rome wasn't built in one day" that I've been listening since I was a small boy. I have to walk because there are so many interesting places every few steps away and I don't want to miss it.

Measured on map, I've covered 20km in the city by foot on the second day itself, double of my one day walking record set in Paris last year. Furthermore this round I was carrying my camera bag with 4 lenses at all time. My shoulders and foots are still aching now. I think I need one full week to fully recover.

Taken 700 pictures during this trip. Hopefully it won't takes me too long to process it.


Yappy said...

yo, nice picture!

u go by yourself?? Bravo!

Eugene Goh said...

Yup, I think my traveling style not many people can take it, lol~

I'm still recovering from the trip after 2 weeks!