Sunday 17 February 2008

Portobello Revisited

Looked out from the window on Saturday and there was rare lovely sunshine so I decided to visit Portobello Market to try my luck in hunting some used M42 lens. All pictures were taken with the Helios 135mm F2.8.

A candid shot taken near Liverpool Street Station. It wasn't that impressive before post processing. Picture desaturated with high contrast. I quite like the 135mm (200mm on APS-C sensor) range for candid, portraiture and landscape.

I didn't check the weather forecast and it was freezing!

Same old place.

Same old stuff.

The popular destination for Londoners and tourists.

As the Helios is a manual lens on the M42 adaptor, no EXIF data for aperture used were recorded. I guess this was taken at F3.5.

Vernon Yard.

A street performer who perform on the divider on the middle of the road.

Didn't manage to find any lens and it was too cold so I decided to call it a day at this point. Lesson learnt - check the weather forecast and wear proper clothes before going out.

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