Tuesday 25 September 2007

HDR: 1 London Bridge

A lot of people have often mistakenly referring Tower Bridge as London Bridge, simply because to many people's surprises, London Bridge looks too ordinary than its name.

It's easier to recognize London Bridge by one special building sits right at the south end of the bridge - known as 1 London Bridge.

Taken this picture beneath the building on Thames Festival 2 weeks ago, with an idea ready in my mind.

Picture shot in RAW, at 18mm, ISO 100, F10 and hand held 1/25 secs. It's difficult to get a perfect picture in situation where a lot of details are shadowed beneath the roof and the side of the building will often becoming over exposed.

Picture processed in Photomatix merging 3 pictures at 0, +2 and -2 exposures. The details of the reflection stands out more and it looks much balanced at all area.

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