Monday 18 June 2007

Malaysian CLEO 50 Most Eligible Bachelors 2007

Forgot that Charles told me he's in this year's Cleo 50 most eligible bachelors.

After I casted my vote for him then only I realised that the contest has already ended (niama Time Net still allowing me to vote and wasted my precious 5 mins)

A few familiar faces from what Malaysian women want. Why lah always the same people?

Like this also can enter Cleo...

"I used to hit my teacher at age 7, so none of my friends dared to tease me (ha, ha!)"

"One of my greatest achievements is that I lost more than 40kg in less than a year, I completed my studies and made my parents proud"

*piak piak* myself, bad habit of laughing at people :p

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