Saturday 7 July 2007

Blue Man Group

We decided to go for a theater show before the woman was leaving. Seriously if she had chosen those classical or musical shows I think I'll fell asleep in the theater. Luckily I had my say this time to choose the Blue Man Group.

Origin from US, it's centered on a trio of 3 mute performers, the blue men, who painted themselves in blue. It's a combination of music, humor, lighting and audience participation, very interactive indeed.

I love their music! In this vid, the colored fluid flowed on the drums from their chests created an excellent visual effect. They also use all kind of special instruments to create the special sound effects. I am going to buy their album soon (yes they have a few albums).

This is my favourite - The drum bone, truly amazing!

They are featured a few ads for Pentium.

"I feel love" feat Venus Hum, how I wish they have had this in London!

The video was taken towards the end of the show, where lots of paper were passed from the back to the front stage. Although the video quality isn't that good but in fact it was great under the lighting.

Taken with one of the blue men after the show.

Their performance in London has ended in June. Anyway they are still performing in Berlin, Amsterdam and few states in the US. This is 0ne show anyone should not be missed if you have a chance to watch it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw it months ago, and really enjoyed it! i like their imagination! but i didnt know u can find the blue man and take picture~~regret~